
Builds an eeg_lst object composed of two data.table::data.table objects and one tibble::tibble. All three are linked by a unique identifier .id. Amplitude values and timestamps appear in the signal table. Triggers, blinks, artifact rejection markings, and other events logged by the EEG recording software appear in the events table. Segment information and recording IDs appear in the segments tibble.

  signal_tbl = NULL,
  events_tbl = NULL,
  segments_tbl = NULL,
  channels_tbl = NULL,
  .sampling_rate = NULL



See signal_tbl().


See events_tbl().


A data table of segment numbers and related information. See segments_tbl().


Optionally a table with channels information. See channels_tbl().


Optional: If the signal_tbl doesn't have samples, they will be included with this sampling rate.


A valid eeg_lst.


The signal table is organized into columns representing timestamps (.sample) and individual electrodes. Each .sample corresponds to 1 sample in the original recording, i.e. if the sampling rate of the EEG recording is 500 Hz, then each .sample corresponds to 2 milliseconds. These timestamps correspond to .initial in the events table, which displays only the timestamps where logged events began.

The events table is organized into columns representing the .type of event associated with the trigger listed under .description. The timestamp marking the beginning and the end of the event is listed under .initial and .final (in samples). The .channel column is a linking variable only, so will generally only contain NAs, unless the event is specific to a certain channel.

The segments tibble contains the subject ID under recording, which is the file name unless otherwise specified. If the data has been segmented in BrainVision, the segment number will be listed under segment. The data can also be segmented according to trigger labels in eeguana, see segment. segment will be place the segment number under segment, the trigger name under .type.x, and the trigger label under .description.x. Other information such as condition labels or response times can be added by the user by merging into the segments tibble using non-eeguana merge functions, e.g. the dplyr join series.

See also

Other eeg_lst: is_eeg_lst()